Okinawan Goju Ryu LLC 512 Shaw Ct #102, Severn, MD 21144
Waiver of Liability
I, the undersigned (or parent/guardian if individual/s is/are a minor/s) do hereby voluntarily submit my application for acceptance, attendance and instruction at Warriors of Grace Karate. I do hereby assume full responsibility for any and all damages, injuries or losses, I may sustain or incur, if any, while attending or participating and hereby waive any and all claims against Okinawan Goju Ryu, LLC, Warriors of Grace Karate, Tony Ferrer, any and all staff members, instructors and assistant instructors, individually, in full or otherwise for any claim of injuries that I may sustain.
I also state that I (or minor) have/has no medical problems including but not limited to heart conditions, epilepsy, hernias, etc. I fully understand that any medical treatment given will be of First Aid type only, and I fully waive all claims for injuries or damages which may result from such treatment, whether given with or without expressed consent.
I consent that any photographs or video recordings furnished by me or taken of me (or minor) in connection with Okinawan Goju Ryu, LLC and Warriors of Grace Karate can be used for any publicity, promotion, or television showing, and I waive any compensation in regards thereto.
Dress code: person participating in class shall wear loose clothing, such as a plain T shirt (no writing on it) and loose sweatpants. No tight fitting clothing. Spectators must wear regular street clothes. No swimming attire permited. All persons must remove their shoes and place them in the cubbies provided. Spectators may leave their socks on. Participants must remove their socks before walking on to the workout floor.
Cell phone use: No cell phone use inside the school. If you need to use your cell phone, please step outside
I have read and fully understand the statements in the preceding waiver and acknowledge the complete acceptance of same.
Parent/Guardian Signature

Okinawan Goju Ryu LLC 512 Shaw Ct #102, Severn, MD 21144
Behavioral Expectations Information and Waiver:
If camper displays aggressive behavior towards another camper or staff or refuses to follow directions, Warriors of Grace Karate reserves the right to call the parent/guardian and have the camper picked up from camp immediately. Any damages or loss of revenue due to behavior will be passed on to the parent/ guardian.
Please sign below acknowledging the following statement:
I understand that the program director has the right to disqualify my camper at any time during the program because of behavioral misconduct. Should my child be disqualified, I understand that I will be awarded a conference with the Program director within 48 hours of my child’s dismissal. I also understand and agree that Warriors of Grace Karate /or anyone working for or in conjunction with will not be liable or obligated to refund any payments made for camp.
Parent/Guardian Signature